Abd El Rahman Salama and Tharwat I. Dawood

Central Laboratory for Aquaculture Research, Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt.

Received 8/ 11/ 2011 Accepted 22/ 12/ 2011


While the fish production is increasing the gap between production and consumption is vibrating from year to year, so we have to search for the basic reasons of that gap and try to find the means to reduce it especially through the recent development of aquaculture activities, which lead to the increase of the percentage of self-sufficiency.

It is obviously that the one’s rate is increasing due to the increase of one’s income and consequently to the increase of the share of fish’s protein and calorie.

As for the international trade, the fish importing increased to cover the national needs which lead to a shortage in the concerned budget and considered as an obstacle in expanding of economic development plans.

As for the Egyptian fish export it is poor in quantity, but we find that the average export price decreased from 20 thousand LE ton in 1997 nearly 9 thousands LE per ton in2008.

Regarding the imports of fish in 2008, the value of fish imports increased to more than

2.0 Millard LE and the average price per ton imported reached 15thousand LE after it was 1.7thousand LE per ton in 1999, and it reflects the dramatic rise in prices of imports.

In conclusion, we expect that the fish gap between fish production and consumption will decrease to 124 thousand ton in 2025.