Safaa Sharaf1; Mohamed W. Ali2;

Safaa S. Abdelkawy3 and Abd Elazem M. Abd Elazem2

1Department of animal production and fish resources faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University.

2Department of fish physiology and spawning, central laboratory for Aquaculture Research Abbaasa.

3National institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Shakshok El-Fayom branch.


Fishes used in this study were soles fish species, Solea aegyptiaca and Solea vulgaris from Qarun Lack and Bardawil Lack respectively, Egypt. The experimental fish were transported to Shakshouk, Fayoum governorate, National Institute of Oceanography and fisheries by using car fish supplied by pure oxygen cylinder. Fishes were acclimatized for two weeks and fed on commercial diet contained (40%) crude protein. The experiment was stocked in fiberglass tanks. The experiment was distributed as females Solea aegyptiaca with male and Solea aegyptiaca and females Solea vulgaris with male Solea vulgaris. Total number of fish 18 females plus 9 males from Qarun Lack and 18 females plus 9 males from Bardawil lack by sex ratio 2females:1male for each tank with three replicates for each treatment. These treatments were injected with pituitary gland extract 4 mg/kg of body weight for all treatment. Morphometric measurements of 30 preserved undistorted larvae from each sample were made using an ocular micrometer on a stereo microscope. Samples of yolk-sac larvae were taken at regular intervals after hatching until the yolk reserves were almost exhausted. They were also anaesthetized and preserved in 50:50 sea water and buffered formal saline. Standard length (sl) was measured from the anterior extremity of a larva (or the tip of the upper jaw after the mouth had formed) to the posterior end of the notochord.

Key word: Eggs, larvae, Yolk, Solea aegyptiaca Solea vulgaris, Head length, Trunk length, Tall, eye, Hatching.